Keisel salutes Steeler Nation….
I tip my hat to YOU Steeler Nation! — Keisel

And, Steeler Nation gave him a “right back at ya”:

“I know the loss Saturday was a difficult one. However, I think sometimes we base our opinion on what these players do good, and not on the good they do. That Good is so much more important and I saw this first hand over the last few weeks with Brett and Sarah Keisel and Heath and Katie Miller (and more). Lives are changed through their kind acts and for that I am grateful.” — Diana Napper, founder A Glimmer of Hope.
Brett and Sarah Keisel and Heath and Katie Miller were awarded the Bid for Hope award from A Glimmer of Hope for their support. Diana Napper has been an amazing supporter of Brett (and this website) for many years and we appreciate all she does in the fight against breast cancer!
Jim Wexell, Steel City Insider: I ask that you take pride in the athletes who are laying it all out there for you and are serving as good, even spectacular, role models for our kids.
Mr. Wexell has also been a great supporter of Brett and this website and we thank him!
Thanks to the Steelers for an exciting year. There’s a lot to look forward to next season. — Joe Manganiello
Always tippin’ our hats to YOU! Please oh Please come back next season ! Steeler Nation needs you! — Amy Kovalchick (@amychick12)
Brett, thank you for always being a leader on and off the field. I am not sure we will ever see such a fan friendly player ever again. You are the best and I am praying you return next season either as a player or coach. The team and fans need you! — Brian Harding
Thanks for the selfie Brett.. you had great year and you’re one of my favorite Steelers to watch! — Colt Jamieson (@coltj15)
Mr. Keisel, thank you for returning this season and for giving it literally your all! You set a great example for those younger players. Please come back! — Steve Cash
I tip my hat to you, as once I saw the video of you fishing with Arty, I knew you were really a part of the real Steeler Nation. — Kenny (@bigkennyfromnj)
Thanks for being one of the best Steelers of all time. It will never be forgotten. If you are ever in LA, it’s on me. — Robert Simon (@robertsimonesq)
Brett, thank you for being so outgoing with fans. We learned so much about you through your social media pages and we thoroughly enjoy your website. The new layout was great and we were able to follow your career. We are in Utah and do not get a lot of Steelers news so the website really helped! — Jerry Nash
Brett, you are the epitome of what it means to be a Steeler and will always be one of the most loved players both on and off the field. — (@steeler560)
Keisel was definitely there for the Team and the Fans last night! Selfies and his famous fist pump! — T. Merrick (@TMerrick5)
Da Beard, you are by far the fan favorite of this team and any team. Thank you for being a role model, inspiration and all around great person. — Karla N.
If you don’t play next year, I hope you stay on coaching team. Steeler for life. I hope you play forever though. — Incog Nito
If this was it thanks for your time and service to the Steelers. You are a brother, friend, an ambassador for this city. From shear the beard to the many other thing you do that we don’t know about. Just one big heartfelt thanks. A class act and part of the steelers for life. Thank you Brett! — Terry Klingensmith
Monday after the game still representing Da Beard! — Brett Johnson
Brett, thank you for never giving up. Even after your injury you were a constant presence on the field and in the locker room. Great example to all! Hope you are back in 2015. Please consider! — Diana Knowles.
As a lifelong Steeler fan, thank you sir! You represent all that being a Steeler is about. Thank you for your sacrifice, integrity and faithfulness to Steeler Nation! Nothing but class! Thank you Brett! — Christian Miles
Thanks Da Beard! From your talent on the field, to your generous nature off the field, we tip our hats to you. Love the Da Beard Gear, love the website, love your family! — Karl Stringer
We owe so much to #99. He and his teammates have given us more than they will ever know-through SB wins, player events and all they do for children. We cannot thank you enough and we will always cheer you on in all you do. — Sarah Evans.

Thank you for a great season of football! Win, lose or tie Steelers fan till I die! — Carlos
Thank you to all who emailed, messaged and tweeted. We were not able to post all the messages, but they were all greatly appreciated by Mr. Keisel and his team!
Steeler Nation is DA BEST~